User Study

User Study

Although the positive effect of Powerinsole in sports has already been extensively tested, in order to better understand the effects of Powerinsole for everyday and professional life, we carried out a study with test persons from different companies.  

The study involved 169 mixed male and female test persons between 17 and 61 years old in cooperations with the following European companies: Uniqa, DM, Thalia, Fressnapf, Salzburg AG, Quehenberger, Elastica, Hogast, and Haas & Sohn. The study was tested over a period of 4 weeks where the test persons were required to use the Powerinsoles as long as possible during the day and otherwise maintain their normal daily routine. Before and after the test, the subjects completed a questionnaire where they had to answer questions about their general state of health. The answers purely reflect the subjective perception of the test subjects.

As you can see in the images, our subjects reported less aches and pains and an overall improvement in general well-being. It can be assumed that the use of Powerinsole in the long term can lead to better overall health, higher concentration, fewer states of exhaustion and therefore better performance and less sick leave.